Electronic & Computer Engineering Laboratory Details

Programming Laboratory-I

Sr. No. Name Details Laboratory resources (Equipment)
1 Programming Laboratory-I This Laboratory is used by B. Tech Students for carrying out Practical related to programming subjects. Lab is developed to boost students and faculties to enhance their knowledge regarding programming and development. Hardware: Dell Desktop 18. 5" LCD, Intel i5 -8400, 1X8GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB GB HDD, Dell Wired Keyboard, Dell Optical Mouse
Software (if applicable):Windows 10, Virtual Fedora Turbo C, C++, JDK
2 Hardware & Networking Laboratory The main objective of the lab is to provide the students with knowledge of computer hardware, the processors, Networking, network topologies and installation of LANs. Another important objective is to impart knowledge about the troubleshooting and fault finding of the computers and the peripherals. Hardware: Dell Desktop, Intel i5 -6500, 8GB DDR4 RAM, 500 GB HDD, RS232 cable
Software (if applicable):Windows 10 & Ubuntu 12.04, Turbo C++, Telnet client for Linux.
3 Database Laboratory Through the DBMS laboratory, students will get knowledge about the database environment and a way to manage data. Students are made familiar with Oracle Software. Students will also be trained to do certifications in Oracle and .Net Technologies. Hardware: Dell Desktop, Intel i5 -6500, 4 GB DDR4 RAM, 500 GB HDD.
Software (if applicable):Windows 10, Oracle 11g, My SQL.
4 Digital Electronics Laboratory Digital electronics laboratory instruments are analog to digital, digital to analog converter, binary to decimal encoder, digital IC trainer, study of OR, AND & NAND gates, digital multiplexer etc. Hardware:Conventional Electronics laboratory equipped with CROs (20MHz), DSOs (20MHz), Function Generators (DC-1 MHz, DC-20 MHz), DC Regulated Power Supplies (+30V, 2Amps, ± 15V, 1Amps), Decade Resistance, Inductance & Capacitance boxes, Digital ICs etc
5 Circuit Design Laboratory Basic Electronics Lab focuses on the skills of designing, developing, and testing wide range of electronic circuits using test and measuring instruments like cathode ray oscilloscopes, function generators, digital Multimeter etc. Hardware: Conventional Electronics laboratory equipped with CROs (20MHz), DSOs (20MHz), Function Generators (DC-1 MHz, DC-20 MHz), DC Regulated Power Supplies (+30V, 2Amps, ± 15V, 1Amps), Decade Resistance, Inductance & Capacitance boxes, Basic electronic components
6 PCB Design Laboratory The Printed Circuit Board are designed by considering DFM (Design for Manufacturing)/ DFA (Design for Assembly) and DFT (Design for Testing). Students are getting real world experience in PCB design and Manufacturing processes involved in Electronic Manufacturing and assembly Techniques. Hardware:Film Making Unit, PCB Curing Oven Machine, U.V. Exposure Machine, Photoresist Dip Coating Machine, PCB Etching Machine, Roller Tinning Machine, PCB Drilling Machine, Dye Developer, PCB Developer solution, Multimeter, Breadboard, Components etc
Software :EAGLE_7.2.0


Database Laboratory
Programming Laboratory-I
Hardware & Networking Laboratory
Digital Electronics Laboratory
Circuit Design Laboratory
PCB Design Laboratory