Railway Track Technology

Duration 1 Year
Entry qualification Diploma Civil / FE- Civil
Objective of syllabus
  • To get Knowledge of Railway track
  • To Understanding Railways Curves, Railway Turnout, P&C and Railway Defects
  • Employment opportunities Government and Private sector associated with Railways
    Survey and Construction of Railway Lines
    1. Construction of New Railway Lines and Track Linking
    2. Reconnaissance Survey, Preliminary and Location Survey for Railway
    3. Railway Electrification Survey
    4. Railway Curves
    5. Geometric Design of Railway Curves and Superelevation
    Track Structure
    1. Rails
    2. Sleepers
    3. Ballast
    4. Formation
    5. Rail Fastening
    Railway Track Maintenance
    1. Points and Switches Crossing
    2. Level Crossing
    3. Track Drainage
    4. Track Maintenance
    Track Modernization
    1. Mechanized Methods of Track Maintenance
    2. Track Tolerances for New Work
    3. Quality Control in Track linking
    4. Mechanized Track Relaying
    5. Precautions during Rail handling and Quality Control
    Investigation of derailments
    1. Theoretical Background
    2. Site Investigation
    3. Rolling Stock features and Defects
    4. Track Defects
    5. Operating Features