In the Second Year of B.Tech Civil Engineering, our students are to be trained in testing of various materials such as structural steel, steel bars, wood, plywood, flooring tests. The laboratory allows students to assess the strength in terms of compressive, flexure, tensile and other related mechanical properties. There are many apparatus and machines available at the Strength of Materials laboratory like Rockwell Hardness Testing.
In the Second Year and Third year of B.Tech Civil Engineering, our students are to be trained in Concrete Technology. The laboratory allows students to assess the various fresh and hardened cement concrete that may affect the performance of RCC structure. There are many apparatus and machines available at the concrete technology laboratory like Sieve Shaker, Compressive testing machine, Flexure Testing Machine, Compaction Factor Apparatus, corrosion apparatus, Permeability apparatus, NDT test apparatus etc.
In the Second Year, Third Year & Fourth Year of B.Tech Civil Engineering, our students are to be trained in Environmental Engineering (Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste Management & Air & Noise Pollution). The Laboratory allows access to on-field training and hands-on experience in analysis of Water for Drinking purpose, Wastewater Analysis, Air Quality Monitoring, Noise Level analysis, supply network for water. There is a lot of equipment like pH meter, TDS Meter, Conductivity meter, Spectrophotometer, Flame Photometer, COD Digester, Jar Testing equipment etc.
In the Third year of B.Tech Civil Engineering, our students are to be trained in Geotechnical Engineering or Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. The laboratory allows students to assess various flow conditions in soil, soil property and their analysis, ground profiling details and their procedure. There are many apparatus available at the geotechnical engineering laboratory like Direct Shear Testing apparatus, Unconfined Compression Testing apparatus, Standard Penetration test apparatus, Standard Proctor test apparatus, Vane Shear Test apparatus, etc
In the Second Year of B.Tech Civil Engineering, our students are to be trained in Surveying & Geomatics. The Laboratory offers on-field experience in fundamental land surveying measurement methods to Modern Surveying Equipment and technologies like GPS, GIS and Remote Sensing. This laboratory is fully equipped with all the equipment from basic manual dumpy level to fully advanced optical theodolite and Total Station.
In the Third Year of B.Tech Civil Engineering, our students are to be trained in testing of various materials such as bitumen,aggregate etc used for construction of pavement.The laboratory allows students to assess the different properties of bitumen and aggregate. There are many apparatus and machines available at the transportation engineering laboratory like CBR Testing Machine,Aggregate Impact Testing Machine,Marshall Stability Testing Machine,Bitumen Extractor etc.
In the Second Year of B.Tech Civil Engineering, our students are to be trained in geological formations and geological structures of the Earth. The laboratory allows students to assess the various types of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. The students are trained in identification, understanding of properties of various types of rock, and determination of fault planes and analysis related to it. There are a lot of rock and mineral samples present in the engineering geology laboratory.
In the Second Year and Third year of B.Tech Civil Engineering, our students are to be trained in Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic structures, and Water Power Engineering. The laboratory allows students to assess various flow conditions, liquid property conditions and their analysis. There are many apparatus and machines available at the Fluid Mechanics laboratory like Pressure measurement Device Verification of Bernoulli's Theorem, Hele Shaw Apparatus, Orifice/Mouthpiece, Venturimeter/Orifice meter, Losses in pipe Fittings, Flow over Notch & Weir, Study of Hydraulic jump Impact of jet Pelton Wheel Turbine Test Rig, Centrifugal Pump Test Rig, Pipe in Series and Parallel etc.